Academic Curriculum & Programming

A Little About Our Learning Model

Two classrooms per grade level K-6, one supporting inclusion and one supporting Sheltered English Immersion.

Specialty classes every day for students that include: Physical Education, Science, Art and Music.

Full time psychologist, social worker, math coach and literacy coach to support the daily academic and social emotional learning needs.

Literacy Curriculum

K – 2 → Focus & Fundations

3 – 6 → FishTank Literacy

Additional Literacy Tech Programs Including: Imagine Learning, and Lexia Core 5 & Power Up

Literacy Curriculum | Boston Public Schools | Curtis Guild Elementary
ST Math Tech Program | East Boston Public Schools | Curtis Guild Elementary

Math Curriculum

K – 2 → TERC Investigations

3 – 5 → FishTank Math

6 → Desmos Math

ST Math Tech Program used to supplement the core math curriculum at each grade level